Biology for Grade 11 and 12 Students

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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

This site is an information site on agriculture in Canada. Information can be searched by subject, geographic region or a combination of both.

  • Agricultural Botany of Saskatchewan
  • Research Information
    Anatomist Project

    Ever dissected a body? Ever want to? The "structural informatics group" at the University of Washington's biology department cleans up and colorizes the cadaver sectioning just enough to make it intriguing without being nauseating. The 3-D views of the brain, knee, and thoracic organs (including the heart) can be supplemented by outlines, labels, and a few animations, and there's a quiz to make sure you're paying attention.

  • Animal Systems
  • Diagrams
    Animal Diversity Web

    This University of Michigan Museum of Zoology website is very stunning. The pictures and information on animals from the Kingdom Animalia is very extensive. Focusing not only on taxonomy the site tries to inform on habitat, interaction, and conservation as well.

  • Diversity of Life
    The Biology Project

    This online resource was built by the University of Arizona. It contains detailed information of various sections in Biology and eye catching pictures and diagrams to enhance learning.

  • Diversity of Life
  • Cell Structure and Function
  • Genetics
  • Animal Systems
    Biology Student Notes

    Work sheets that may be printed off or used online with the addition of graphic applications. Organized according to grade and topic.

  • Chemical Basis of Life
  • Cell Structure and Function
  • Genetics
  • Evolution

    Here's a web site about insects that's as complete as it is visually appealing. The site provides insect classifications, information, and great images, all organized in a way that makes the site easy to use for students at various levels. If your curriculum includes insects, this site is well worth a visit.

  • Diversity of Life
    Bugs in the News

    By "Bugs" this site means bacteria and viruses. This easy to read and humourous site discusses real life implications of different bacteria and viruses. It also gives and explanation as to what the different viruses and bacteria are and do.

  • Diversity of Life
    Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation

    This is volume three of the Canada Country Study and is deals with responding to global climate change in the prairies.

  • Agricultural Botany of Saskatchewan
    Canadian Environmental Solutions

    Not only does this site give information based on the environment and industry but it asks for feedback and question. Instructions are given on the page as to how to access information. Basically just pick an area that of some environmental problem, then click on the specific problem. A list of possible solutions will be given.

  • Ecological Organization
  • Diversity of Life
  • Agricultural Botany of Saskatchewan
    Carl Hayden Bee Research Center

    This site is chocked full of information about bees and other insects. There are pictures, information on polination, information on africanization of honey bees, and a section listing the great diversity of bees.

  • Diversity of Life
    Cells Alive!

    This site contains interactive ways for students to learn about cells. It contains information about mitosis, plant cells and animal cells. It also shows really neat electron microscope pictures of different cells and bacteria in different stages of division. This site contains quizzes and links to sites related to cells. It also contains ideas for science fairs, information about photosynthesis, and cancer. This site has a large range of information for the student, or the teacher.

  • Diversity of Life
  • Cell Structure and Function
  • Information
  • Pictures
  • 89
    Conceiving a Clone

    How do you make a clone anyway? Who's doing it? Is it ethical? This site offers a uniquely well-rounded, nonpartisan perspective on the subject, with news, details, reactions, and interactions (including a "create a clone" simulation) that get you up to speed on this controversial subject. A great timeline offers history on a topic that only seems new.

  • Genetics
    Cell Biology

    Cell biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life. Focusing on the cell permits a detailed understanding of the tissues and organisms that cells compose. Some organisms have only one cell, while others are organized into cooperative groups with huge numbers of cells. On the whole, cell biology focuses on the structure and function of a cell, from the most general properties shared by all cells, to the unique, highly intricate functions particular to specialized cells.

  • Cell Structure and Function
    The Digital First 9 Months

    A Web site that actually does justice to the wondrous journey of pregnancy and birth (albeit without the pain), this site is a visually elegant and personal tribute to the birth of Emma Katherine Moore, born in January of this year. No pat trimester stuff here. Rather, it chronicles the changes that individual days, weeks, and months of pregnancy bring, in vivid words and pictures.

  • Animal Systems
    Dissections of the Real Brain

    It's the part of the body that most makes us what we are, but one we rarely get to see. Perhaps for good reason - you may want to examine these photos of real human brains before lunch. Still, it's as fascinating as it is icky. The site itself is a bit on the clinical side (it's part of the Virtual Hospital, which is mainly a resource for doctors and other health care workers), but oh those pictures. . . .

  • Animal Systems
    DNA for Dinner

    Here's a web quest that asks students to research whether genetically altered foods should carry warning labels and then present their case for or against such regulation. The site includes links to numerous sites which describe genetic engineering, its applications in agriculture, and its scientific and economic impacts. Biology teachers interested in a thought-provoking research assignment might find this web quest just the ticket.

  • Genetics
    DNA from the Beginning

    This is a really cool site that will make genetics come alive for secondary students. Funded by the John Macy Jr. Foundation, the website discusses the concepts, issues and processes in the Genetics discipline at the high school level. The website is organised into 3 main categories: Classical Genetics, Molecules of Genetics and Genetic Organisation and Control. Each category contains subtopics that have animations, audio/video presentations, and links to other websites, problem-solving questions and biographies of scientists actively involved in researching genetics. A great resource for teachers and students for the Genetics unit.

  • Genetics
    The Earth Life Web

    For studying the diversity of life, look no further than the Earth Life Web for easy to understand information in the appropriate depth for high school students, with pictures and activities that make learning fun. Discusses the Earth’s living things, cells and classification, and then gives in depth detail on insects, birds, mammals, lichen, bacteria and archea. The site is helpful for teachers who need to catch up on diversity and classification. One thing to note is that the site uses the six kingdom system of classification.

  • Ecological Organization
    Environment Canada

    This is an interesting site to explore. Printed information is accompanied by multimedia presentations. There is even a small interactive portion to this site.

  • Ecological Organization
  • Diversity of Life
  • Agricultural Botany of Saskatchewan
    EPA- Student Center

    This site is there to help you to learn about the environment. With fact-sheets, interactive games, and more, this website can help you with all sorts of information about EPA and the environment.

  • Ecological Organization
    The Evergreen Project

    This website gives examples of biomes the world over. From the tundra to the desert this site has lots of information. For each biome the site gives a list of plants and animals. This site is chalked full of fun facts and pictures to aid learning.

  • Ecological Organization
    Evidence: The True Witness

    This is an interactive site helping people understand how forensic science and DNA testing are used in the fight against crime. You can play detective in the games section and analyse evidence through DNA tests. Step by step instructions on how the DNA testing works are given.

  • Genetics
    Ewe 2?

    This is an extensive, discussion-based tutorial that asks students to formulate and defend a position on the issue of cloning. Using a case-study approach, the unit asks students to research and collaborate, take a position on the issue, and be prepared to defend and advocate for that position. Teachers should begin with the teacher information, which outlines the sequence and expectations for the unit. Originally designed as a district-specific project in San Diego, other will need to "work around" the bulletin board features, perhaps by substituting local collaboration. An outstanding resource.

  • Genetics
    Exploring Ecosystems Online Resource Guide

    Discover and explore how ecosystems work, how they impact humans, and how we impact them during Exploring Ecosystems. This live, interactive electronic field trip for grades 7-12 will come to you from the Exploring Marine Ecosystems exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.

  • Ecological Organization
    Frog Dissection

    This site does a step by step dissection of a frog. It includes detailed instructions for each step with complete picture anatomy. Students are able to virtually practice what they learn. A Quicktime video of each step is included.

  • Animal Systems
    Fungi Resources

    The kingdom of fungi plays a vital role in determining the biological makeup of ecosystems. Fungi live in air, in soil, on plants, in water and sometimes in the bodies of humans and animals. Mycologists believe that there are approximately 1 million species of fungi, although only 5 percent of them have actually been identified. Some famous fungi include yeast, mold and mushrooms.

  • Diversity of Life
    Garbage-How Can Communities Reduce Waste?

    A very informative site for teachers and students who are studying the environment and waste reduction. Solid waste, toxic waste, sewage, water treatment, and global efforts are all explored. Looks at all the issues and gives possible solutions or recommendations in dealing with these issues.

  • Agricultural Botany of Saskatchewan
    The GLOBE (Global learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment)

    Want students to participate in real research, working in collaboration with real scientists? The GLOBE is a network of students, teachers, and scientists from around the world that collects and analyzes environmental data. Students record data on their local environment and report this to scientists through the Internet. Scientists analyze the data and provide feedback to students.

  • Ecological Organization
    Habitats and Biomes

    This is another biome site. The thing I like about this site is the pie chart that shows how much of the Earth is covered by each type of biome.

  • Ecological Organization
    Health Canada Online

    This is a helpful research tool for students. Loaded with Canadian material it makes the information seem more relative to students.

  • Genetics
  • Animal Systems
    The Heart: An Online Exploration

    Explore the heart. Discover the complexities of its development and structure. Follow the blood through the blood vessels. Wander through the weblike body systems. Learn how to have a healthy heart and how to monitor your heart's health. Look back at the history of heart science. Also contains simple activities (quizzes). A very lighthearted site!

  • Animal Systems
    Human Anatomy Online

    This site works like a CD-ROM. You just point a click your way through the different parts of the human body. The sections on the site are systems, images, descriptions, animations, and a search engine.

  • Animal Systems
    Human Evolution

    This Science Odyssey Page delves into the realm of evolution. This site has interactive activities for students who want to learn more about evolution.

  • Evolution
    Inner Learning Online

    One of the best human anatomy resources on the Web. Uses Java programming to provide a fully interactive site enabling students to learn about many structures and functions of human anatomy, including:- Skeletal System, Digestive System, Muscle system, Lymphatic System, Endocrine System, Nervous System, Cardiovascular System, Male and Female Reproductive System, and Urinary System. Also contains useful inline animation.

  • Animal Systems
    Kimball's Biology Pages

    This is an online Biology textbook. Authorized by John Kimball it explains Biology, going from A to Z. This text covers the same topics as the Saskatchewan curriculum.

  • Introduction to Biology
  • Ecological Organization
  • Diversity of Life
  • Agricultural Botany of Saskatchewan
  • Chemical Basis of Life
  • Cell Structure and Function
  • Genetics
  • Animal Systems
  • Evolution
    Lab 2: Vegetative Characters

    Especially useful for students who have little or no concept of plant anatomy. Contains high quality pictures for each part of the plant. Parts covered, include:- Roots, Stem anatomy, Growth Form, Duration, Leaf Arrangement, Simple and compound leaves, Venation, Lobing, Leaf Shapes, Apices and Bases, Margins, Climbing Plants.

  • Agricultural Botany of Saskatchewan
    Major Biomes of the World

    Along with a very large list of biomes the world over, there is an explanation on this site as to what exactly a biome is. All in all this is a very handy tool for students who might want to do some extra studying.

  • Ecological Organization

    MendelWeb is an educational resource for teachers and students interested in the origins of classical genetics, introductory data analysis, elementary plant science, and the history and literature of science. With its links to glossaries, notes, discussion questions, exercises, and other sites and documents around the world it is a useful resource.

  • Genetics
    Microbe Zoo

    This site is a digital learning center for microbial ecology. It is a good site for students to visit as an introduction to microbiology as it allows the student to "touch" an environment on the screen. It then gives specific information about the microbes living in that environment. Some of the environments it has are Dirtland, Snackbar, and Animal Pavilion. It gives specific examples of how microbes are incorporated into everyday life, such as the rising of bread with the help of yeast, or the production of chocolate.

  • Diversity of Life
    Morgan: a Genetics Tutorial

    This is a genetics tutorial site for students. Its multimedia tutorials guide students through the basic principles of genetics. The tutorials are split into 6 sections that build on eachother. Students may take a quiz at the end of each section to test their knowledge.

  • Genetics
    Mr. Biology's High School Bio Website

    Explanations, pictures and tests. A very helpful resource for teachers at any level. On this page you will find lesson notes and labs, unit plans and an advanced placement curriculum guide.

  • Diversity of Life
  • Notes to Exams and More
  • 88
    Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, & Viruses Tutorial

    This site deals with information about prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses. It has in depth information, which could be used mainly by students as it contains problem sets and tutorials. It also provides on-line activities and a list of resources, which could be used for research. There is a test on the website as well with questions about the information provided on the website.

  • Diversity of Life
    Seeing, Hearing and Smelling the World

    This is an awesome site which explores the brain, the senses and the nervous system. Included are tours of the brain, examples of brain scans, and lots of information. They even explain what research is currently going on and where it may take us.

  • Animal Systems
    Species 2000

    A useful resource for rapid acquisition of global species information, Species 2000 has the objective of enumerating all known species of plants, animals, fungi and microbes on Earth as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity. Students can verify the scientific name, status and classification of any known species by accessing species checklist data drawn from an array of participating databases.

  • Diversity of Life
    Strange Science: The Rocky Road to modern Paleontology and Biology

    This is a fun an interesting site which highlights the misguided attempts to explain natural history. It includes honest and dishonest mistakes. along with pointing out the missed efforts successful science and researchers are celebrated.

  • Introduction to Biology
    The Temperate Rainforest of the Pacific Northwest

    This student run site gives information about the Temperate Rainforest of the Pacific Northwest. A list of plants, mammals, birds, and what's blooming when can be found here.

  • Ecological Organization
    The Virtual Cell

    A pleasure for the eyes and the dream of every plant physiologist, the Visual Cell allows students to examine a plant cell by "cutting it open" and exploring its inner structures and their functions. Clicking on different parts of the image magnifies them and gives new, more specific information. A search is available to students who are looking for specific information. Information is provided in short sections instead of all at once, allowing students to learn at their own pace. Includes electron micrographs along with the computer generated images.

  • Cell Structure and Function
    The Virtual Foliage Homepage

    This site contains pictures of any plant, parts of plants, microscopic or otherwise. It has many different categories of pictures, such as General Botany of Fungi Collection. Within these categories, there are pictures ranging from angiosperms to bacteria to genetics. It also shows microscopic pictures of plant cells during meiosis. This site contains links to many other sites relating to plants. It is great for students to use for research!

  • Diversity of Life
    Virtual Galapagos

    This site chronicles a 1996 Terraquest expedition to the Galapagos Islands. As well as featuring daily dispatches from the expedition, the site has beautiful pictures of the island and wildlife. This site is a bonus to any person interested in evolution or ecology.

  • Ecological Organization
  • Evolution
    The Whole Brain Atlas

    No matter how you slice it and dice it, this in-depth tour of the brain will raise your IQ. View the human thinking organ from every conceivable angle and with every imaginable affliction, disorder, or disease. Take the "Can You Name the Brain Structure?" quiz, and don't miss Keith Johnson's hotlinks to other medical and brain science sites. If brain anatomy is your passion, cerebrate here.

  • Animal Systems
    The Whole Frog

    A site devoted to allowing someone to dissect a frog with out actually killing a frog. The site has many images of the frog that students can click through virtually dissecting the frog.

  • Animal Systems
    The World of Trees

    This site deals with many aspects of trees but is directed towards younger grades. The section on Biodiversity is useful and interactive. You can even download this site so you do not have to burn up time online.

  • Diversity of Life
    The World's Biomes

    This site gives an explanation of the importance of biomes and a run down of the main five biomes of the world.

  • Ecological Organization
