Henry Braun School Math Trail

Designed by Wendy Sutherland & Sabrina Quigley
Content based on Grade Two Curriculum

  1.Ask Mr. Inglis (the Principal of the school) how many years he has been teaching. How many groups of tens and ones is this number? Draw your answer.

  2.Find two clocks in the school that show the time in different ways. Where are the clocks located? Draw the two different clocks.

  3.How many books would you predict are in the library?
Ask the librarian how many books she predicts are in the library.
Compare each answer by drawing it in groups of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones.

  4.On what time is Mrs. Askew's Grade Two class scheduled to have class in the art room on Day 1? How long will the Grade Two's art class be? Draw the start time and finish time for the class on a clock.

  5.A)Look at the tiles in the hallway. What shape are they? How wide are the tiles? How long are the tiles?
Shape ________ Width _______ Length _______
   B) Look at the tiles outside the primary entrance. What shape are they? How wide are the tiles? How long are the tiles?
Shape ________ Width _______ Length _______
What does this tell you about this shape?

  6.Throw a ball into the 4-chute basketball hoop three times. Keep track of the number of the chute that the ball comes out of each time. What is the sum of your three throws? (*If the ball does not go in, it counts as 0)

  7.How many squares can you find on the pavement by the Junior playground?

  8.A)How many normal walking steps are there between the basketball hoops on the Senior playground?
   B)How many baby steps are between the basketball hoops?
   Draw your answers on a graph.

  9.Find parking stall #13 in the staff parking lot. What is the license plate number?
Add the three numbers together. What is the sum of the numbers?

  10. A)Find Mrs. Askew and trace her hand on the back of this piece of paper.
Predict how many nickels you think it would take to cover her hand. _________
How many nickels does it take to actually cover her hand? ____
How many nickels make up a dollar? _________
How much is Mrs. Askew's hand worth? ___________
    B)Compare Mrs. Askew's hand to your own that you completed in math class. Which one is worth more? Why?

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