Athabasca School

Sarah Friesen and Leah Draper
Fall 2001


Math Trail Guide

Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions to your best ability. Most importantly have FUN!

1.Go to the front of the school. Look up at the Canadian flag.
Is the flag symmetrical? YES NO
Why do you think that? ____________________________________

2.Go to the older students' playground area. Stand on their basketball court, beside the basketball net with the RED post.
Look at the school wall. There are 4 groups of upstairs windows.
How many little windows are in ONE group?
(Circle the correct answer.)

3 4 5

How many little windows are in all 4 groups?
(Circle the correct answer.)

10 12 14

3.Find the green bench with a yellow ruler on it. With the ruler, measure the longest part of the green bench.
How many ruler lengths is the bench? ______________________

4.Counting Trees:
Count how many trees are in the playground that are tied to a green metal stick.
How many?

Count how many trees are in the playground that have wooden boards around them.
How many?

Subtract the number of trees with the green metal stick from the number of trees with wooden boards.

Trees with wooden boards around them.

Trees tied to green metal sticks.


5.Go to the sandbox that has 6 big rocks in it.
How many sides does the sandbox have?

Can you name that shape?

6.Find a slide on the playground. Does it have parallel lines?

Find another example of parallel lines. Name or draw something on the playground that has parallel lines.

7.Word Scramble: Find at least 5 words that can be made from the letters in:


8.How many tires are on the playground?

How many play objects have tires in them?

9.Every play object is made of at least one shape (like triangle, circle, square, rectangle). Draw one play object. Draw or name the hidden shape.

10.Go to the map of Canada on the playground.

Can you name:

A RED province: _________________________________

An ORANGE province: ____________________________

A PURPLE province: ______________________________

A GREEN province: _______________________________

A YELLOW province: _____________________________

What color is Saskatchewan?_________________________


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